Please note that in addition to variable tubing conditions, such as wind and water levels, taking breaks, and strapping together can make the runs exceptionly longer.
Our Gilligan's Ride gives you an afternoon to remember. This run gives you the most scenery and experience out of the two. Launch times are every half hour from 10am - 2pm daily. Please note run time depends on water level and weather, and can change daily. Please call ahead to check current time.
Gilligan's ride ~
This run is the shorter of the two, allowing an enjoyable river experience for when the river runs are a bit slower, or for those who are a bit pressed for time. Launch times are every half hour from 10am - 4pm daily, but can change due to weather and water levels. Please call for current run time.
Sterlings Warf ~
Please only stop in designated beach/island areas on the river and respect the property owners along the Nashwaak, that live and play here too!
Both runs are available most times, depending on water level.
Want a weather update? Check here!
1 - 2 hrs
3 - 5 hrs
Please dispose recyclables and trash into the designated bins along the river. Polluting will not be tolerated.